The Frozen Scroll
This [ Frozen Scroll ] promo will only be available on limited period
1,000 PHP
1 Frozen Scroll ( Contains Random Costume )
1,000 Adventure Coins
1 Enriched Elunium
1 Enriched Oridecon
5,000 PHP
5 Frozen Scrolls
1 Frozen Costume Of Choice ( Including SR Garment )
6,000 Adventure Coins
10 Enriched Elunium
10 Enriched Oridecon
10 Inventory Expansion
The Heart Scroll
( R ) C. Ice Valkyrie Helm
( R ) C. Blue Majestic Horn
( R ) C. Blue Kirin
( R ) C. Blue Chroma Visor
( R ) C. Frozen Aura
( R ) C. Blue Protect Cloth
( SR ) C. Ice Wing
( SR ) C. Aqua Decoration
R = Rare ( 95% Chance )
SR = Super Rare ( 5% Chance )
Rare Effect: - Increase experience gained by 25% - Increase drop rate by 15%
Super Rare Effect: - Increase experience gained by 25% - Increase drop rate by 15% - Increase movement speed by 15% - Increase maximum weight by 1,500 - All Stats +2
C. Ice Valkyrie Helm
C. Blue Majestic Horn
C. Blue Kirin
C. Blue Chroma Visor
C. Frozen Aura
C. Blue Protect Cloth
C. Ice Wing
C. Aqua Decoration
Last updated